The European Society
of Human Genetics

15th Meeting 2019


15th Meeting of the European Human Genetics Societies
Sunday, June 16, 2019, 11.00 - 13.00 hrs
Gothenburg - Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre
Room G4

  1. Welcome and Introduction
    Milan Macek, NHGSs Liaison of the ESHG

  2. Self-presentation of the meeting participants 

  3. ESHG highlights and a proposal for an update of Variant Classification 
    Gunnar Houge, President of the ESHG

  4. European Board of Medical Genetics (EBMG)
    Thomas Liehr, Chair of EBMG

  5. Current status of Genetic counsellors in Europe
    Christophe Cordier, EBMG
  6. ESHG Public and Professional Policy Committee (PPPC)
    Francesca Forzano, Chair of the PPPC
  7. Education Committee, ESHG sponsored courses and “Teaching the trainers”
    Han Brunner, Education Committee   
  8. DNA Day 2019
    Christophe Cordier, ESHG Education Committee DNA Day Coordinator

  9. UEMS European Diploma of Medical Genetics and Genomics exam. The EBMG BMGG CME Registry system.
    Bela Melegh, President of the Clinical Genetics Section of UEMS     
  10. Guest presentation 1: ESHG Young
    Sara Ribeiro, Coimbra and Florence Riccardi, Marseille    
  11. Guest presentation 2: 1 million EU Genomes project: overview and rare diseases
    Marco Tartaglia, Rome